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Presidents' Day Resources

To help educators teach about past and present presidents of the United States, we have made US Presidents and Presidents' Day resources for teachers to use in elementary schools.


Presidents' Day Acrostic Poem

Presidents' Day themed A4 portrait Acrostic Poem Sheet.

Fonts Available:

Red, White and Blue Stars Page Border/Writing Frame (no lines)

A4 sheet with a red, white and blue stars themed border - no lines. Add your own text in the editable version.


Red, White and Blue Stars Page Border/Writing Frame (wide lines)

A4 sheet with a red, white and blue stars themed border - wide lines. One fully lined and one half lined.

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.

Red, White and Blue Stars Page Border/Writing Frame (narrow lines)

A4 sheet with a red, white and blue stars themed border - narrow lines. One fully lined and one half lined.

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.

Presidents' Day Display Heading/ Classroom Banner

US presidents newspaper article worksheet.

Fonts Available:

Red, White and Blue Stars Landscape Page Border/Writing Frame (wide lines)

A4 landscape sheet with a red, white and blue stars themed border - wide lines. One fully lined and one half lined.

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.

Red, White and Blue Stars Landscape Page Border/Writing Frame (no lines)

A4 landscape sheet with a red, white and blue stars themed border - no lines. Add your own text in the editable version.

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.

Red, White and Blue Stars Landscape Page Border/Writing Frame (narrow lines)

A4 landscape sheet with a red, white and blue stars themed border - narrow lines. One fully lined and one half lined.

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.
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US Presidents Themed Sentence Worksheet

US Presidents themed worksheet. Write a sentence for each of the Presidents on the work sheet.

Fonts Available:
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US Presidents Speech Bubble Worksheet

US presidents themed writing area speech bubbles. A4 sheet, great to use in any writing area.

Fonts Available:

US Presidents Themed Worksheet

A4 US presidents themed worksheets.

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.

US Presidents Themed Newspaper Worksheet

A selection of US presidents on a newspaper article worksheet.

Fonts Available:

American Flag themed Display Lettering

American flag themed display letters, Symbols and Characters on a Word document.
Fonts Available:

American Flag Bunting Coloring Sheets

3 bunting coloring sheets, including an American flag bunting.

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.

American Flag Coloring sheet

A4 American Flag Coloring sheet. 

Fonts Available:

American Flag Themed Bunting

American Flag themed bunting for the classroom or a celebration.

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.

American Flag

One large and one small American flag on an A4 sheet. 

Fonts Available:
No text on resource.

American Flag Bookmarks

Four bookmarks on an A4 sheet, with an American Flag theme.
Fonts Available:
No text on resource.